Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Hitchhiker's guide to...Guca Trumpet Festival

Now, I’m a fan of Balkan Music. Or at least what we think of as Balkan: namely anything between Beirut’s hauntingly melancholic croonings that make the spirit both soar and break at the same time and Balkan Beatbox’s trumpety, jumpity deliciousness that gives one’s feet a life of their own. However one step inside Guca’s annual trumpet festival in Serbia served to redefine everything I thought I knew about Balkan music.

Every year, for one week only, a cacophony of brass, percussion and raucous revelry reverberates around this small town in southern Serbia.

On arrival it’s hard to know which sense to take in first. The ceaseless sound of trumpets, tubas, drums and trombones competing to be heard; the kaleidoscopic sight of polished brass blazing in the sun, the rich colours of the national costume and the coloured lights flashing on stages, funfair rides and gift laden stalls; the feel of the midsummer sun beating unforgivingly on your skin in time with the drummers’ strokes; or the olfactory overload of grilling meat.  Any meat. They grill everything from entire hog and lamb spit-roasts with teeth bared to burgers, kebabs, indefinable meat slabs and sausages of every shape, colour and size. It was enough to turn my recently converted omnivore friend back to being a veggie!

Sound intense? Intense it was but don’t let this put you off. The energy, pride and passion exuding from the entire spectacle epitomises the Serbian spirit. Everyone we met from stall owners and trumpet players to waiters and other revellers wanted to share their culture with us and drag us full pelt into the party.

Apparently there was some sort of official competition going on to find the best trumpet band of all, but word on the street was that it was voted void due to the winners being fixed. Only in Serbia eh! As far as I could tell the main action was happening in the streets and bars with hundreds (yes hundreds!) of bands, each dressed in their own unique uniforms, battling it out to make the most money, deafen the most people and generally get the most people dancing/running away. A quiet dinner with friends doesn’t exist in Guca during festival week – you will be surrounded and serenaded (sometimes straight into your ear) whether you like it or not:

Luckily like it we did. If you like trumpets, mayhem and meat, get yourself to Guca for an all you can eat (and more!) portion of legitimate Balkan Brass. The beer’s cheap too!

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